Some good humor from Tom’s humbleness over the press labeling him the nicest guy in Hollywood. Feels kinda weird but fun reviewing a Tom Hanks episode again so soon after I reviewed his previous episode just two days ago. Host’s backstage conversations reveal that he truly is a really nice guy

A lot of VERY memorable visuals throughout this, particularly the static-y TV screen laying in front of a river, Nora Dunn and Jan Hooks laughing hysterically in the backseat of a car, an old man looking at the camera with a deadpan facial expression while sitting in front of a moving ferris wheel, the person who’s shown right after the SNL logo (fourth screencap above), the “Sin Will Find You” neon cross, the pants-less(?) guy bopping along to music (third-to-last screencap above), the close-up of a dog looking at the camera while getting its belly rubbed, and the shot of the entire cast gathered together at a restaurant table.

Some really good shots of the cast, especially Dennis Miller’s cool shot in the convertible. This new circular one is probably my favorite SNL logo of all-time, though I may be biased because it’s used during my favorite SNL years (late 80s and early 90s). Very interesting blue screen filter used for this. (just compare the visual look of the first screencap above with the last three screencaps above) Another thing I noticed about that Hans and Franz montage is that it really shows how different SNL looks in this new season compared to how it looked the previous season.
Also, the fact that SNL already had enough Hans and Franz footage to make a full montage out of, despite these characters having debuted only a year earlier, shows how heavily-used these characters have been in such a short amount of time. The slow-motion Olympic profile utilizing clips of last season’s Hans and Franz sketches is interesting. Hmm, maybe it’s because it’s the start of a new season, but it turns out I’m surprisingly finding myself in a more tolerant mood towards these two characters than usual tonight. Hans’ confusing talk about picking up laundry without a claim check was pretty funny. Not too excited to see the season start off with a recurring sketch that I was starting to get sick of by the end of last season. Pumping Up With Hans & Franz- clips show the guys “up close & personal”

Segments are rated on a scale of 1-5 stars